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Archives for February, 2008

Review: Space Quest I

Good evening. Just one new review in this update – of Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter. Yep, finally got around to dusting off those collection CDs I bought a while ago. This might just herald the start of a period where we cover nothing but Sierra adventures. I doubt it, though.

Grand Theft Scratchy

My missus very kindly bought me a Nintendo DS for Christmas. It was an awesome present, especially as it was a total surprise and wasn’t the result of months of laboured hinting. One of the games that came along with it was The Simpsons Game. It had some mixed reviews but it’s actually a pretty […]

Review: The Longest Journey, Hostile Waters

We’re well into 2008, and with the January blues blurring into a more general malaise, and all thoughts of self-improvement having long been abandoned, what better way to spend your free time than by shutting out the outside world and enjoying a few hours of gaming goodness? We’ve again covered a couple of more recent […]

Hot Import Nights

While thumbing through the latest (extremely thin) issue of PC Zone magazine, their lukewarm review of the latest unremarkable racer to get a multi-format release made for fairly depressing reading: β€œIn any other year a PC racing-lite enthusiast would be reading this review and being subjected to a list of reasons as to why the […]