Soundtracks is where we take a look back at the use of licensed music in games. Go here if you want to know more. And we’re back! Just as the last ‘proper’ instalment of this series promised that we would be, er, 18 months ago. Believe it or not, I do have a plan, of […]
Archives for March, 2022
Review: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Hi there. I’ve been RPG-ing (and Star-Wars-ing) again. With possibly too many references to Mass Effect and an unwitting segue into the merits or otherwise of recent Star Wars films, here’s a look at Knights of the Old Republic.
On playing modern(ish) sports games, part 1
Cricket games were once released so infrequently that I used to end up buying pretty much each and every one, at some point. If there was one that I thought might be good, I’d get it on release, but even those that I was fairly sure would be disappointing, I’d look out for in sales […]
Review: Road Hog!
Hi all. Not that I usually pay attention to such things anymore, but if our records are correct, then this is my 250th review on FFG. And upon which legendary title do I bestow this lofty honour? Why, a daft shareware racer from the mid-90s, of course! Here’s a review of a game called Road […]