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Archives for January, 2024

Moments in Gaming: BETHOR!

Moments in Gaming is where we look back on gaming experiences that have left a particularly strong impression on us over the years: mainly for good reasons, but sometimes for bad ones. Our ancient review of Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels probably belongs in a different series: the Vault of Regret, our chamber of […]

FFG Review of the Year: 2023

Hello there and welcome along to our semi-regular look back at the year just gone, wherein we discuss how committed we are to this feature (traditionally not very, but now approaching it with renewed vigour), apologise for how late it may or may not be (quite late this time, sorry), consider whether we met our […]

Review: Ridge Racer Unbounded

Bloody Hell! It’s 2024! (Apologies for not wishing you all a good Christmas, as promised – the site went down for a little bit, then we obviously got distracted by the festive preparations.) Anyway, we’re back with what might be considered the third part of a trilogy entitled ‘racing games released about 12 years ago […]