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Archives for February, 2025

Review: Raptor: Call of the Shadows

Hello all. I’ve not contributed much to this site lately, but today I have a new review for you! We’re looking at shareware scrolling shooter Raptor: Call of the Shadows. Hopefully more to come in the future – maaaaaybe even a flight sim.

A Tale of Two Halves

The thought may have occurred to some of our regular readers, as they plough through another 3/10 review of an absolutely ancient football game on this site, that trawling this particular section of the retro-gaming ocean is a largely pointless task, in service of a rather niche interest, the only source of enthusiasm for which […]

A belated ‘Hello!’

It’s February, which means it’s too late to wish you a Happy New Year, and also too late to make a comment about not knowing when it’s too late to wish someone a Happy New Year. So we’ll just call this a mid-Q1 check-in instead, shall we? [No, that sounds simply dreadful – a reader]. […]