A few pieces of belated Blizzard-related news came to my attention recently. Let’s start with the item that everyone else has known for months: they are working on a new, comprehensively updated release of Warcraft 3. This has me quite excited, ready to lead armies of orcs and trolls once again. WC3 features some excellent […]
Posts by Stoo
Vault of Regret: Quarantine
Occasionally Rik and I like to do discussion pieces, where we team up and review a game together. We take it turn to suggest games, and a few years back he nominated Quarantine. Released in 1993, this was a hybrid of driving and first person shooting. It’s set in a dystopian future city, where law […]
A little beige box
Since the release of the NES classic edition, we’ve seen numerous retro-consoles, all following the same basic idea. A tiny device, dedicated to and shaped just like a classic console or computer of yesteryear, preloaded with a selection of games. So far the SNES, Megadrive/Genesis, C64 and Playstation have all gotten the retro treatment, also […]
Review: Monuments of Mars
Hello everyone. Our reviews here cover quite a few of the games from Apogee\3D Realms, from their platform games of the early 90s like Bio Menace and Commander Keen 4, to their forays into First Person shooters such as Rise of the Triad. I’d like to fill in the gaps eventually, the most conspicuous absences […]
Review: Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon
Hi all. It’s been a shamefully long time since I last wrote a review here, but today I have a new one for you! We’re returning to the realms of the Sierra adventures, looking at Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon.
10 years of GOG.com
Our favourite digital distributor GOG.com is currently celebrating a major milestone. It’s now been a full decade since Good Old Games, as we used to know them, first opened their doors. Back before 2008, looking for old PC games generally meant abandonware or hunting ebay. GOG.com made the process far more convenient. A selection of […]
Vault of Regret: Operation Flashpoint
Hello everyone. Rik has recently launched our new series, the Vault of Regret. So if you missed it, go read his inaugural item about space sims. A recurring sort of gaming regret for me comes from games that I want to enjoy, but find frustratingly difficult due to my impatience and incompetence. I struggle on […]
Moments in Gaming: Hollywood Holocaust
Duke Nukem 3D starts with our hero stepping onto the streets of LA, near a cinema and… That’s actually as much of the game as I need to describe today. Something as simple as a street was, in 1995, rather novel. First Person shooters – or Doom Clones as we called them back then – […]
Moments in Gaming: the Salvage Corvette
For the first article in this series I wrote about Relic’s realtime strategy classic Homeworld, and I’m returning to it today. As you might expect for this sort of game, Homeworld lets you build warships of varying size and potency. You start out with small, speedy fighters and corvettes. A few missions later you’re granted […]
Moments in Gaming: Firestorm
In the strategy game UFO: Enemy Unknown, the world is under attack from mysterious extra-terrestrials. They appear without warning, then vanish into the shadows. They raid cities, abduct people for experimentation, build hidden bases and even infiltrate national governments. Their campaign is a prelude to invasion of this planet, and brutal subjugation of the human […]