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Archives for PC Oldies

A Tale of Two Halves

The thought may have occurred to some of our regular readers, as they plough through another 3/10 review of an absolutely ancient football game on this site, that trawling this particular section of the retro-gaming ocean is a largely pointless task, in service of a rather niche interest, the only source of enthusiasm for which […]

Don’t you have a kingdom to run? – Warcraft turns 30

Today in “news you’ve already read somewhere else”. The Warcraft series has reached its 30th Anniversary and as part of the celebrations, Blizzard have released remastered versions of the first two games. You get the option of either original graphics, or ” lovingly updated hand-painted artwork”. You might recall the first game was pixelly VGA, […]

Review: Mafia

Hi there. Nice to be back with you again. Sorry it’s been a while. Today’s game is Mafia, a 1930s organised crime caper from Illusion Softworks.

Review: Daikatana

Hello! Right… how to make this update vaguely topical…? As you know, we’ve just had an election here in the UK. [Leans into microphone] I tell you what, I’ve not seen such a unanimously negative verdict since Daikatana was released! Will that do? Does that, er, you know, work? Hello?

Review: Microprose Soccer

Hi there. It’s been a little while since we brought you a review of an old game, so here’s an EGA football title from the late 1980s: Microprose Soccer. I’m duty-bound to also remind you that like all old footy titles we discuss here, this one goes into the FFG Football League, which now has […]

Moments in Gaming: BETHOR!

Moments in Gaming is where we look back on gaming experiences that have left a particularly strong impression on us over the years: mainly for good reasons, but sometimes for bad ones. Our ancient review of Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels probably belongs in a different series: the Vault of Regret, our chamber of […]

FFG Review of the Year: 2023

Hello there and welcome along to our semi-regular look back at the year just gone, wherein we discuss how committed we are to this feature (traditionally not very, but now approaching it with renewed vigour), apologise for how late it may or may not be (quite late this time, sorry), consider whether we met our […]

Review: ICC Cricket World Cup England 99

Good morning. It’s the Cricket World Cup at the moment, a tournament which began with England attempting to retain the trophy as holders. In preparing this review, I was planning to write something about how they’re actually quite good these days, and contrast that with the embarrassments of the past. But, no, they’re out already. […]

Wipeout: Phantom Edition

Mods and source ports haven’t, historically, really been my kind of thing (“clever people doing clever things with FPS games or RPGs that were probably fine to begin with” being my completely uninformed and dismissive summary) but my interest was piqued by news of Wipeout: Phantom Edition, a new source port of the old PSX […]

Beyond the Cardboard Box: Landfill

Beyond the Cardboard Box is a series which follows up an earlier effort looking at games packaging and budget ranges in the 90s and 00s. The aim here is to cover anything of interest that might not have cropped up previously, and offer a few stray observations about the steady decline of the physical boxed […]