A few weeks back I wrote about one of the most frustrating battles from the venerable cRPG, Wizardry 7. Here are a few more that, for various reasons, have stuck in my memory all these years.
The Fiend of Nine Worlds
Towards the end of the game, working through the vast, sprawling final dungeons, you enter a place called the chamber of Gorrors. It has six cells, each with an ominous sounding name on the door. A chest of rare treasures can be glimpsed within each cell. You can if you wish carry on further into the depths and ignore the chamber. Instead, you decide to investigate one of the cells. “the fiend of 9 worlds”, it says.
Inside you encounter: a rat-man. You think, okay, this is endgame so let’s be careful. He’s probably hard hitting with plenty of hit points. Maybe he also does something deeply annoying like casting Sleep Blinding Flash on your party.
Still, this should be doable.You have a high level party led by mighty champions armed with powerful weapons, such as the Muramasa blade and the legendary Sword of Four winds. You also have a ninja who hands out critical hits like candy and a couple of magic users who can summon forth lightning, enormous boulders and even nuclear blasts. So you queue up orders for the first round of combat, and hit go.
*fiend strikes LordJeff*
*hit! 99 damage*
*hit! 99 damage*
*hit! 99 damage*
*jeff dies*
*fiend strikes lolegolas *
*hit! 99 damage*
*hit! 99 damage POISONED*
*hit 99 damage*
*lolegolas dies*
*Zippy thrusts Sword of Four Winds at fiend*
*fiend strikes Zippy*
*hit! 99 damage*
*hit! 99 damage*
a minute later half the party is dead and you’ve accomplished little more than singeing the Fiends’ whiskers. You sit back from the keyboard, vaguely stunned at the utter thrashing you just witnessed. The game patiently awaits instructions for round two.
I had a read around some forums, and wizardry players have shared tricks for dealing with this guy, a lot based on having everyone hiding. Which is great except only certain classes can learn that ability. So that entails a lot of tedious class-changing back and forth for anyone that you don’t want to be a thief, ninja or bard.
Remember, you can ignore the Fiend if you want. Just walk on by, no-one’s judging you. If you are the sort of dedicated completionist who must beat every optional boss then, well, I wish you luck.
The Greater Wilds is a forest area accessible only from the sea, once you’ve found a boat. There are no quest objectives here, no characters to talk to, and no loot to find. The only reason to come to the Wilds is to get swarmed to death by giant millipedes.
A few Conquilados wouldn’t be a major challenge for a level 25+ party, but they tend to come in multiple ranks of eight each. The front row is steadily clawing away at you whilst the ones at the back spit poison, leaving you in a desperate, futile struggle to hack them down before you’re overwhelmed. Your best chances are if you can manage to fire off several Nuclear Blast spells before your spellcasters are dragged down by the screeching horde.
No, wait. Your best chance was to never come to this godforsaken forest in the first place. There are less stressful places to level-grind where individual fights are more manageable and in some of them you’ll get loot for your trouble.
Survive a fight with the Conquilados and, well, I suppose you do a get a shitload of experience points. Then a few steps later you hit another 36 of them. Or maybe you rest your party to recover health and spell points and then… there’s a surprise attack from another 36 of them. This forest exists purely for old-school crpg sadism.
Wizardry is known for its challenging combat, but this foe is both impossible to lose against, and rather baffling.
Deep in some mountain caves, you encounter witches that take on the appearance of other major NPCs. So for example you fight a faux version of the Dark Savant (the main antagonist) and it’s a pretty decent challenge for a mid level party. Meanwhile another witch becomes Phoonzang, creator of the planet you’re standing on.
Or rather, she disguises herself as a statue of Phoonzang, similar to the ones you see scattered around major cities. I suppose either Sir-Tech wanted to keep him a mysterious, mythical figure, or they just couldn’t be bothered to draw a new sprite.
It isn’t a terrible idea – we can easily imagine a statue coming to life, swinging mighty marble fists or maybe shooting lasers from its eyes. All this one does however is cast the spell Dispel Undead. That is literally its only attack. Quick check – any undead characters on your team? Nope.
So the statue stands there, casting its one spell that may as well be “conjure turnips” for all the good it’s doing. You scratch your head for a moment then order your guys to attack. They swiftly hack the statue to bits. The usual “VICTORY” fanfare plays but it really should have been replaced with a sad trombone effect.
Nice story.
I never played any of the Wizardry titles to comment on the monsters above but when it comes to hard battles in CRPGs, look no further than the Headless in Ultima Underworld. Those creatures were absurdly hard. Also, they always had ten times your health and sponge-like abilities for weapon durability.
Picture, for example, a great endgame warrior, capable of taking down beholders with a single blow. Now imagine this same metal-swinger having to break two axes and a sword to be able to put one Headless down. One would think: “Well, to endgame characters, you got endgame monsters”. Here’s the fun part though. Headless are one of the first creatures you encounter and the most recycled ones through out the game.
May 14, 2015 @ 12:44 pm
I played about way through UU, a few years back, but don’t recall the Headless. Are they hard-hitting as well, or just super-durable?
I do want to go back and give it another try sometime. Atmospheric and a very advanced 3D engine for its day.
May 14, 2015 @ 5:07 pm
Well, they have low strength but since one single Headless can last dozens of minutes he’ll definitely make you burn through your potion stack and still prevail in the end.
May 14, 2015 @ 11:02 pm