Go back to Screamer 2

Written by: Rik
Date posted: June 17, 2022

For some reason, screenshots alone do little to illustrate my point about the slight texture glitching on the 3dfx version.

(I don’t even think it’s glitching technically, more that the extra sharpness shows up the joins between the textures – I remember it being an issue on a few other 90s games with 3dfx support).

And so in service of showing you what I mean, here’s our annual attempt at featuring video clips on FFG (hosted on YouTube, and attracting literally tens of views in the process). It was all a bit more of a pain in the arse than I was expecting, but I won’t bore you with the details.

Here’s me having a quick spin around the Egypt track in the 3dfx version:

And here’s the same track in bog-standard software:

The 3dfx effort is smoother and quicker (and a bit easier, come to think of it, based on this quick comparison), and most people probably won’t be bothered by the glitching/flickering, but I still preferred the original software renderer – possibly because that’s how I remember/played it back in the day.