Hello all. I’ve not contributed much to this site lately, but today I have a new review for you! We’re looking at shareware scrolling shooter Raptor: Call of the Shadows. Hopefully more to come in the future – maaaaaybe even a flight sim.
Posts by Stoo
Work Complete!
Hi all. This humble site has now been transferred to the new host. There were of course more problems than I had expected, mostly relating to this janky customised theme I put together when we first moved to WordPress. Still, we should be 95% back to normal, there’s just a chance of broken images in […]
Work in Progress
Hi all, we’re currently in the process of moving to new hosting. The site is partially navigable, but not all the menu structures work and some of the formatting is kind of screwy. Hope to have everything back to normal in the next few days!
Don’t you have a kingdom to run? – Warcraft turns 30
Today in “news you’ve already read somewhere else”. The Warcraft series has reached its 30th Anniversary and as part of the celebrations, Blizzard have released remastered versions of the first two games. You get the option of either original graphics, or ” lovingly updated hand-painted artwork”. You might recall the first game was pixelly VGA, […]
In all things, the calm heart must prevail
In Fallout 3, you can roam the post apocalyptic ruins of Washington DC alone, if you prefer. However, there are companions available, to help you fight the many enemies that you will encounter. Examples include a hard-bitten mercenary, an old war robot or the leader of a gang your character knew from their childhood. There’s […]
Upgrade Complete
Hi all. As mentioned a while back, we’ve been tinkering with the layout of some of the pages here. I don’t want to raise anyone’s expectations too high – yep, you’re still looking at a rather basic wordpress layout. However we hope that your experience reading this site will be improved just a little. First […]
Under Construction
Hi all, we’re currently making some improvements to the site, particularly the menu and review pages. Until then some pages might look messy with broken formatting. Should be finished within a week. (Narrator: they were not finished within a week). (ok I’m back from vacation now, will resume work asap).
Review: Hocus Pocus
Hi all, hope you are well. I’m back with another review, this time just a quick look at another 90s shareware platform game, Hocus Pocus.
Review: Doom 64
Hello everyone. As promised, here is another review! Sometimes we consider games that originated on other systems, so long as the PC version was released at least roughly around the same time. If on the other hand the port was years later it’s not really of interest to us. So Halo might happen one day […]
Review: Torchlight
Hi all! It’s been a while, but I have a new review for you. Today we’re looking at the action-RPG from Runic Games, Torchlight. More reviews soon. Maybe. Hopefully.