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Posts by Stoo

welcome to my death machine, interloper

Recently I took 10 mins to play a bit of the newly enhanced System Shock. Some observations: Most importantly we have the option of mouselook. Shock was originally lumbered with clunky controls, where the mouse moved a pointer around the screen, and you had to click in certain places or use the keys to turn, […]

I’m Back

Hello everyone. A lot of my retro gaming time lately has been eaten up by a vast, sprawling 90s cRPG (I’ll leave you to speculate on which one), the sort of one that could take months yet to finish. I could cut it short but kinda feel like I want the full, beardy, dicerolling experience. […]

look at you, hacker

I’ve been waiting for this for years – System Shock is finally on gog.com. This is the game we once called the Thinking Man’s Doom. In those days all shooters tended to be described by reference to Doom – but this one had some rather different DNA. Its direct ancestor from Looking Glass Studios was […]

I hate you, harpy witches

Today’s lineup of RPG monsters that have been giving me grief are from Might and Magic 6. disclaimer: it’s possible that my problem was simply attempting to fight some of these when my party was a bit under-levelled. It’s also possible that I’m bad at RPGs. Harpy Witches These ladies manage to be obnoxious in […]

warriors of ultramar

Gog have recently added to their lineup a couple of strategy games based on Warhammer 40k, the famous science-fantasy tabletop wargame. These games are great for those of us us who feel like commanding some space marines against the enemies of the Imperium, but never got around to finding a gaming club. Or can’t paint […]

Status update

Hello everyone. Over the past few months you may have noticed this site going down for days at a time. This was down to some sort of recurring problem with the servers at our host Parcom. So we’ve now moved to another host. Let us know if you encounter any problems! I think all the […]

back to the Phobos Anomaly

Rik’s recent review of Doom prompted me to have a look at Doom Reborn, a mod for Doom 3 that recreates the levels of the first two games. Doom 3 handled very differently to those predecessors – it was all about creeping around cramped corridors waiting for a demon to go BOO and leap out […]

Strike Force Centauri

Terra Nova is on gog.com! A fantastic game that, as I recall, sadly went largely un-noticed and was a commercial failure. It really deserved greater success. My writeup from the elder days of this site is here. It’s a sci-fi tactical first person shooter that puts you in command of a squad of elite soldiers. […]

God dammit, Antarans

Thanks to the combined powers of laziness and convenient digital purchases have, I’ve ended up buying games on gog that I already own. Because oldies on sale cost less than I’d spend on my lunch, and I can’t remember where the original CDs are stashed. So that’s how I’ve ended up playing master of Orion […]

I hate you, Conquilados

A few weeks back I wrote about one of the most frustrating battles from the venerable cRPG, Wizardry 7. Here are a few more that, for various reasons, have stuck in my memory all these years. The Fiend of Nine Worlds Towards the end of the game, working through the vast, sprawling final dungeons, you […]