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Posts by Stoo

Returning to the past in World of Warcraft

Via RPS: Blizzard On Vanilla WoW Servers I’ve occasionally considered talking about World of Warcraft here; it was released in the tail end of 2004 which does makes it older than some of the other games we’ve reviewed. It felt a bit wrong to speak of it as an actual old game, though, given how […]

10 years of Oblivion

It’s strange how our feelings about the passing of time can be inconsistent. See, I’ve pretty much come to terms with Doom being released over twenty years ago. While I still greatly enjoy playing the game, it’s clearly the product of a bygone age, as much a part of the mid 90s as britpop and […]

Tales of a former flight sim fan

A lot of my gaming time in the early 90s was spent on flight sims. It was an offshoot of my childhood interest in aviation. Fighter planes are awesome – they’re fast, they’re loud, they do crazy manoeuvres, they fire machineguns and rockets and make stuff explode. Of course I wanted a chance to sit […]

Shock Remake – still looking at you, Hacker

Looking Glass Studios cyberpunk first person shooter System Shock, released in 1994, spent many long years as abandonware. Then last year, Night Dive Studios came along, sorted out the legal rights, and released an enhanced version via digital distribution. It was recompiled to run natively in Windows, and featured slightly sharper graphics and greatly improved […]

speak quickly, Outlander

A couple of years back I talked about the Morrowind Overhaul, a huge bundle package of graphics upgrades for the third Elder Scrolls title. That’s one way to modernise an RPG that’s now over a decade old. Another approach is to recreate all of its content as a total conversion for one of its own […]

In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future

Hello everyone, today we have a rare review from myself. A little while back I wrote about lesser-known first-person shooters of the 90s; so here’s an obscure title from the following decade: Warhammer 40000: Fire Warrior. Also if you’ve not read it already: last week Rik and I discussed the 2006 adventure game Dreamfall: The […]

They say that every story has a beginning and an end, but sometimes the two are one and the same.

Hello all. Several years ago I wrote about the adventure game The Longest Journey. Today, in the latest of our series of discussion reviews, we look at the sequel, Dreamfall. The mid 2000s were a quiet period in the history of adventures, and many thought the traditional point and click-based approach was dead, so this […]

lesser-known first person shooters of the 90s

A couple of weeks ago I talked about what I believe to be the finest of the early first-person shooters. Then Klingon Honour Guard was mentioned, inspiring me to jot down another article dedicated to some of the lesser known titles from those days. I’ve loosened the criteria slightly, to anything released before 2000. Some […]

This must be that Woodstock place Mom and Dad always talk about

A trailer is out for the forthcoming remastered version of Day of the Tentacle. So the artwork has been redone in a style that looks very similar to that of the original, just higher-resolution. Not sure if it’s been redrawn from scratch, or just put through some filters. It looks like it could be made […]

Pre Half-Life shooters that aren’t System Shock

Our recent look at Outlaws had me pondering the early days of first-person shooters. The genre as we know it basically started with Wolfenstein 3D in 1992, and then went through a period of rapid advances. We progressed from the flat world of Wolf3d, to the two and a half dimension of Doom, to proper […]