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Archives for General

When I played…multiplayer games

This is the second piece of a series of articles I’m doing about some of the games I covered for FFG in our earliest days. It’s a way of looking back at those games, at the site, and at my own gaming history, as part of the site’s 15-year anniversary. The first piece, and a […]

When I played…Wing Commander III

Somehow we’ve been going 15 years, and without wanting veer too much into the area of excessive self-congratulation, we figured it’d be nice to mark the occasion somehow. As regular readers will know, we’re not the most frequently updated of sites, and so any time spent looking back at, and/or rehashing, old content is time […]

Review of the year: 2015

Hello there. So 2015 is over, and it’s time to once again take a look back at the year on FFG. This time last year, my stated intentions were to try and fulfil some old and long standing requests and also to add something of note to the strategy section. We managed to do okay […]

Look at that! Look at that!

Lewis Hamilton features in a regular column for BBC Sport Online. I’m not desperately interested in him, or F1 in general, but I have kind of a long commute and there comes a point at which I end up reading every article on the BBC website. Anyway, in a recent piece, hidden amongst the tales […]


I promised I’d look at a strategy game this year, if only to contrive some level of variety in my output, and not just an endless cycle of old football games and vaguely obscure hover racers. So far, it’s not going that well. The game I had in mind was Republic: The Revolution, a political […]

Frame rate woes

The existence of this site, and my ongoing contribution to it, would suggest minimal enthusiasm for the latest gaming technology. Eventually, however, when a five year old game bought from a Steam sale for a few quid is downloaded and launched with moderate excitement, only for frame rates to fall noticeably below a fairly liberal […]

File System Aging

Playing Puma World Football again recently brought me back to the series of videos Rab Florence recently produced for Rock, Paper, Shotgun about “games, time and loss”. The arty style and the slightly weird intensity might not be to everyone’s taste, but I did find them rather affecting, particularly this one: It’s more about nostalgia […]

Rik vs. Stoo: Part II

It may surprise some of you to learn that Rik and Stoo of the famous games site A Force for Good don’t actually live together at a place called FFG Towers, playing old games at an incredibly slow rate with the intention of posting a maximum of two reviews per month. In fact, we’re rarely […]

the long twilight of the optical disc

After the graphics chip cooked itself for a second time, I’ve finally retired my 6 year old Acer and bought myself a new laptop. While deciding on the hardware configuration, one of the choices I had to make was what to put in the drive bays. A few years ago, it would have been very […]

Eight out of ten

Eurogamer recently announced that it was dropping review scores – pointing to, among other things, the increasingly fluid nature of development, the problems associated with using a single numerical score to summarise a series of words (and the ensuing arguments about that score), and the nefarious influence of review-aggregating sites like Metacritic on game development […]