Hi all, I’m happy to announce that after a long absence, today we have a new discussion review for you. This time, we’re off to a theatrically gloomy island housing a clearly unsuccessful psychiatric hospital, to trade punches with some costumed maniacs in Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Archives for Newer games
Review: Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening
Hello everyone. The reviewing machine appears to be belatedly cranking back into life again in 2025. Today’s review is of the Dragon Age: Origins expansion pack, Awakening.
A belated ‘Hello!’
It’s February, which means it’s too late to wish you a Happy New Year, and also too late to make a comment about not knowing when it’s too late to wish someone a Happy New Year. So we’ll just call this a mid-Q1 check-in instead, shall we? [No, that sounds simply dreadful – a reader]. […]
Discussion: [indie game] (spoilers!) is now a podcast
Some exciting news: the semi-regular discussion series, Discussion: [indie game] (spoilers!) has moved to a podcast format! This does mean that future instalments won’t be appearing on FFG in written form. Thanks to everyone who read them, and to Stoo for extending the remit of the site to allow them to be hosted here. While […]
A Real Retro Racer
I recently finished Horizon Chase Turbo. Short review: it’s really good! A number of retro-themed arcade racers have caught my attention in recent years, and it seems (albeit from a position of almost total ignorance of modern gaming trends) as if the increasing focus of mainstream racers on a serious, simulation-focused experience has opened up […]
Return of the Mike
Some good news: Alpha Protocol is back, after a few years in digital purgatory, thanks to GOG. While I’ve spent a good chunk of the last few years catching up with Bioware RPGs of a certain vintage, Alpha Protocol was probably the game that kicked that whole process off. (It’s somehow very on-brand for me […]
Review: Dragon Age: Origins
Hi there. If reviews have been in short supply recently, even by our standards, then underestimating the size of the task before me when I took on today’s game is probably one of the reasons why. Still, we got there in the end, and a pretty good time was had along the way. Here’s our review […]
Discussion: Afterparty (spoilers!)
Hello and welcome again to Discussion: [indie game] (spoilers!), a semi-regular series with a title so ingenious it needs absolutely no further explanation. Today’s game is Afterparty, an adventure game developed by Night School Studio and released in 2019. Our protagonists are Milo and Lola, two recent college graduates who unexpectedly find themselves detained in […]
FFG Review of the Year: 2023
Hello there and welcome along to our semi-regular look back at the year just gone, wherein we discuss how committed we are to this feature (traditionally not very, but now approaching it with renewed vigour), apologise for how late it may or may not be (quite late this time, sorry), consider whether we met our […]
Review: Ridge Racer Unbounded
Bloody Hell! It’s 2024! (Apologies for not wishing you all a good Christmas, as promised – the site went down for a little bit, then we obviously got distracted by the festive preparations.) Anyway, we’re back with what might be considered the third part of a trilogy entitled ‘racing games released about 12 years ago […]