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Review: Sin / Sin Episodes: Emergence

Hello! This site is now as old as we were when we started it. While we go have a lie down and think about that for a while, here’s the first bit of 20th anniversary content for you. The idea is we head back to revisit some of the games covered in our oldest write-ups, […]

Review: The F.A. Premier League STARS 2001

Hello there. It’s another delve into the murky world of football games past in today’s review. A close relation of an item consigned to the Vault of Regret, this time we’re giving the 2001 follow-up the full treatment: it’s The F.A. Premier League STARS 2001. This review also means there is movement, intrigue and drama […]

Review: Mass Effect

Hello all. Hope things for you are as good as they can be at the moment. I think the background to this one is covered enough in the review and the accompanying piece (and possibly here, too) to negate the need for any preamble, so let’s get straight into it. Here’s a review of Mass […]

Review: Need for Speed: SHIFT

Hi everyone. Hope 2021 is treating you well. I can’t complain too much, but I’m finding it quite hard work so far. Having said that, January’s always a bit difficult, isn’t it? Even if things are normal. Which they’re not. Anyway, the rusty old reviewing machine (as I’ve taken to calling myself) cranks back into […]

FFG Review of the Year: 2020

Well now, what can we say about 2020? In all likelihood, the last 9 months or so will, at best, have not been quite as good as you might have hoped, and at worst will have been a real shitstorm. Whatever your circumstances, we do wish you all the best for the year ahead. But […]

Review: Sensible Soccer 2006

Hi there. I hope you managed to have a good Christmas, under whatever strange and/or difficult circumstances were imposed on you this year. Sneaking in with one last review for the year, we take a look at the mid-00s attempt to revive a much-loved football franchise: Sensible Soccer 2006. (Yes, it seems the pull of […]

Discussion: Dear Esther (spoilers!)

Hello! We are back, just as Christmas this year is cancelled, for those of us in the UK. (Probably for the best though, I guess). Today we have another discussion of a modern indie adventure game, with significant spoilers. It’s part of an ongoing series that we’ve chosen to unimaginatively, and belatedly, call: Discussion: [indie […]

Review: Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

Hi everyone. Today we’re adding to our list of Sierra adventure reviews, with a look at Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers. This will most likely be my last post before Christmas. I imagine that, due to covid restrictions, some of you won’t be able to celebrate in the way you had […]

Review: Iron Assault

Hello there. Looking at the last few review posts, I’ve obviously given up on trying to find another way to say “I hope you’re doing ok” – so, I hope you’re doing ok. Today we make a rare visit to the Simulation section of the site for some big robot action, in Iron Assault.

Review: Alan Wake

Hi there. Hope you’re doing ok. Today we establish that the answer to the question, “How far in advance would you have to start playing a vaguely spooky game in order to produce a review of that game to coincide with Halloween?” is “about six months”. (Alternatively, the timing could be considered more of a […]