Hi there. We’re making a rare venture into the strategy section for today’s review, as we take a trip to Arrakis to mine spice and defeat the Harkonnen, in Cryo’s Dune.
Archives for PC Oldies
Review: Hocus Pocus
Hi all, hope you are well. I’m back with another review, this time just a quick look at another 90s shareware platform game, Hocus Pocus.
Moments in Gaming: Destroy the Intrepid
Moments in Gaming is where we look back on gaming experiences that have left a particularly strong impression on us over the years: mainly for good reasons, but sometimes for bad ones. As it’s Star Wars Day (Fourth of May be with you!) we figured it was time for a couple of moments from LucasArts […]
Beyond the Cardboard Box: Best Of Activision
My most recent clearout of the ‘games cupboard’ followed the usual pattern of taking everything out, putting it on the floor and gazing at the mess I’d created while periodically puffing out my cheeks and scratching my head, before returning it all whence it came (albeit in a slightly different configuration) and telling myself that […]
Review: Death Rally
Hello all. After exploring more recent games in our last few reviews, we’re going back to the 90s for today’s piece, in which we take a look at the action racer from Remedy and Apogee, Death Rally.
The Reluctant Upgrader
In a move that will shock precisely none of our longer-term readers, this week I became one of the last people to make the upgrade to Windows 10, days before the support period for Windows 8.1 expired. (Wikipedia: ‘as of January 2023, 2.59% of traditional PCs running Windows are running Windows 8.1’). Over the past […]
FFG Review of the Year: 2022
Hello. It’s that time of year where we traditionally do a half-hearted round-up of the stuff we’ve covered on FFG. I’m going to eschew the usual small talk about what kind of a year it’s been out in the real world, other than to acknowledge that things are tough for many and to send you […]
The Unreviewed: 2022
Happy New Year to you all. As we get to the end of the year and the inevitable question of whether to do a reluctant-sounding round-up of 2022 on FFG (spoiler: we will) I figured it might be worth trying something a little different as well. I do quite like our semi-official policy of mainly […]
Review: World Cup 98
Hi there. Believe it or not, this review was all set to go live at a suitably relevant point last week, but, as regular readers may have noticed, we had a few technical hiccups to sort out. Anyway, the big international footy thing was in the winter this year, for all kinds of dubious reasons. […]
Review: X-Wing
Hello. With a modern tale of an expensive investment quickly destroyed due to a fundamental weakness unfolding as we speak, how about we go back a long time, to a galaxy far, far away (again) and try and blow up the Death Star? It’ll take some doing, though. For me, it’s taken 28 years. Yes, […]