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Posts tagged football

You’ll need to know your Magpies from your Canaries

Hi there! It’s nearly Christmas [no it isn’t – FFG Reader], and everyone enjoys a good quiz at Christmas [maybe – FFG Reader], particularly if it’s a football quiz [nope, lost it again – FFG Reader], right? So in a topical, seasonal, and totally relevant update, with nothing at all to do with my bizarre […]

Come and be a part of football

Hi there! You may have noticed that there’s a major international sporting event taking place at the moment. [Yes – the Commonwealth Games – FFG Reader]. Of course, it’s the World Cup of Football! Who will win? It’s so exciting! With a review that’s as up-to-date and relevant as this mysteriously reduced-to-clear limited-edition bottle of […]

Ten out of ten for power…lucky to get one for accuracy

Good day. As the festival of football continues in Brazil, we bring you coverage of a game that’s as terrible as England’s performances: Actua Soccer.

Football is our love

Hello. It’s time for the World Cup. A time when people who don’t like football get bored by the constant talk of football, and everyone else gets bored by the people who like to go on about how much they don’t like football. Anyway, in a vaguely topical update, we’ve reviewed a football game: Sensible […]

We’re talking ’bout football (soccer!)

Currently playing: FIFA 14 I’m not sure if it’s my inability to get on with the 360 pad, my sloth-like reflexes and arthritic fingers, or just the fact that I haven’t practised enough, but I’m finding the latest FIFA fairly hard going. I’ll reserve judgement on the main game for now, but in terms of […]

The problem(s) with football games

There’s always a new one coming out. The promise of something different is exciting. If you enjoyed last year’s effort, then perhaps the new one will be even better. If you didn’t, then perhaps they’ve fixed all of the terrible problems it had. You can’t trust the demo. One match on standard difficulty is never […]

He’s a good man for the job, I’d say, John

Hello. In response to a couple of requests, I’ve added some more music from Puma World Football ’98 to the site. To be honest, none of the tracks are that noteworthy, and are certainly without the significant comedy value of the mighty PES 2008 soundtrack, but clearly, they’re of interest to someone. You can find […]

He’s the first on the field, the pride of his team

Good evening. Fans of football: hey, isn’t it great that the new season has started? Non-fans of football: isn’t it ridiculous that the football season has started again? It’s August, ferchrissakes. Anyway, as we’re talking about football, here’s a review of a computer game that features lots of it: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008.

An actual review

Hi there. Don’t mind the mess – do come in. Yes, we have actually got a review for you this evening. It’s been written for a little while and was supposed to coincide with one of the big football finals that have all…happened already. Still, I guess the great thing about football is there’s always […]

This is the season

Hi there! There’s been rather more rushing around and feeling below-par than I might have liked over the past couple of weeks, but anyway, here’s the now-traditional, in under-the-wire, 31 December review: FIFA 07. Season’s greetings to all our visitors and readers. A 2012 round-up is coming soon, along with some more content, as soon […]