Hi there! This was going to be another football review, to tie in with the end of Euro 2012, but…well, that’s long gone now, isn’t it. Can we pass it off as an Olympics tie-in, instead? No? Well, we’re going to try: [Clears throat] To tie-in with the London Olympics, we’ve reviewed a football game! […]
Posts tagged football
If it’s in the game, it’s IN the game
Hi there! With all the excitement of Euro 2012, and on the eve of England beating/losing to Italy, we thought it might be time to add another football review to our archives. So, finally, we have a game from the most famous football series of them all – the original FIFA International Soccer.
8-bit memories: Footballer of the Year
It’s funny when a game from yesteryear pops into your head for seemingly no reason. Well, I say no reason, but actually there was one: I was reading about a game called New Star Soccer, the point of which is to guide a single player from his humble roots as a 16 year-old trainee to […]
Hours and hours of constantly-happening football
Hello. It’s me again, I’m afraid. We have that rarest of things on FFG this evening – two review in one update. I know, I know, we’re amazing. So, here’s a double-whammy of old-school football fun: Kick Off 2 and Goal!.
Jules Rimet Still Gleaming
It’s getting towards that time when everyone who doesn’t like football prepares to be extremely bored for weeks on end. As for everyone else (in this country at least) the question remains: “Can England do it this time?” Pro Evo says yes…
The good, the bad and the ugly
Here it is – as ever, slightly later than I imagined. As it’s a special occasion, I decided to cover my favourite game of all time. But first, I had to play my least-favourite. I’ll let you find out for yourself which one is which. Here are reviews of Zone Raiders and Pro Evolution Soccer […]
They can’t be monks…a monk can’t play football at this level
Good evening. One new review tonight – a welcome addition to our sports section in the form of FIFA Soccer Manager. Well, I say welcome…as much as you can welcome something you’ve not played for 11 years because it really, really upset you.
He dummied the keeper great there
So, the new Pro Evolution Soccer is out, and the general consensus seems to be that the series is on the wane. Apparently, the decline started a couple of years ago with PES 2008, which is odd as it’s the latest one I bought and I’m still playing it now. It’s got one or two […]
Rik vs PG
At the end of last week, my friend and flat-mate PG packed up his stuff and moved to New York. Well, he didn’t actually pack it; his company paid for some burly men to come round and do it for him – a testament indeed to the impressive portfolio of skills from which the American […]
Review: Maniac Mansion, Wolfenstein 3D, Viva Football
Howdy. Is it October already? It’s getting cold, the nights are drawing in…all the more reason to not bother going outside and enjoy some classic gaming in the warm comfort of your home. You could tidy the place up a bit though – how about recycling some of those empty Dr Pepper cans instead of […]