Hello everyone. It’s time once again for our semi-regular feature, the discussion review! The process we use for choosing games is not formally defined. Sometimes it’s about playing a genre one or both of us is unfamiliar with, or just wouldn’t have normally considered – like the time I made Rik sit through a JPRG, […]
Posts by Stoo
going legit is more trouble than it’s worth – the return of Garrett
Recently I’ve finally found the time to play through last year’s new instalment in the Thief series. This has been something of a priority; the first two were, for me, amongst the greatest PC games ever created. The experience of lurking in the shadows in that half medieval, half industrial city, sneaking past guards and […]
Lucasarts on gog: wave four
A while back I was saying, all this Star Wars stuff is great but can we have more classic Lucasarts graphic adventures please? Now gog have delievered! Along with a couple of other interesting non-SW titles Loom: A personal favourite of mine. A haunting, atmospheric fantasy tale in a world of dark magic. It was […]
the long twilight of the optical disc
After the graphics chip cooked itself for a second time, I’ve finally retired my 6 year old Acer and bought myself a new laptop. While deciding on the hardware configuration, one of the choices I had to make was what to put in the drive bays. A few years ago, it would have been very […]
The end of Maxis (mostly?)
If you follow gaming news at all you’ve probably already heard this: the headquarters of Maxis has been shut down by their corporate overlords at EA. Some satellite studios remain but it’s unsure what that means for the future of Maxis. It’s a sad moment particularly for those of us who have been gaming on […]
gog and lucasarts – what we do and don’t have so far
More Lucasarts on GOG. They’re delving further into the archives of Star Wars games, including Jedi Knight, the Quake-era sequel to Dark Forces where Lucasarts decided our hero really should have a lightsabre. There’s a bunch more I’m not greatly personally familiar with – Rebellion is Master-of-Orion style strategy. Republic Commando looks like some sort […]
More Lucasarts on gog
A second wave of Lucasarts games has arrived on gog.com, this time all Star Wars related. Amongst these are the two followers of the classic space-sims X-Wing and Tie Fighter that were released in the first wave. X-Wing vs Tie introduced multiplayer to the series, neglected any real single player content but had that flaw […]
Guest item!
Hello everyone. This site is usually a two man effort – well, I say that, it’s more like 1.5 men given how inactive I’ve been lately. Still, we do sometimes have contributions from guests. So a big thanks today to RT, who has kindly written us a review of Serious Sam 2.
Digitiser is back!
British gaming fans may remember Digitiser, published on teletext from 1993 to 2003. I don’t know if other countries had anything like teletext? It was an information service broadcast over the television signal. It was also known for artwork made from very basic graphics, that looked lot like what you might see on an BBC […]
I hate you, Shadow Guardian
I’ve mentioned Wizardry 7 a few times on this site – it’s a turn-based RPG from the early 90s which has consumed huge amounts of my life. It’s full of tough battles, right from the start when you find your pathetic newbies swarmed by rat-men. You’ll spend an awful lot of time either dying, or […]