ITV often have the same, misguided idea for new programming: copy something that’s been a success on the BBC and then pay a huge sum for the presenting talent to defect in the hope that the solid viewing figures can be seamlessly transplanted to their network. In practice, it rarely works: the show itself often […]
Archives for Other Formats
Mike Read’s Computer Pop Quiz
And you thought I was being facetious last time! (More proper content soon, I promise, but just at the moment I only have the time and energy to dip into daft nostalgia items like this one). Unlike A Question of Sport (the TV show), Mike Read’s Pop Quiz isn’t still going in a revamped, modernised format […]
Er…quite remarkable
My wife sent me this list: Peculiar British Video Games You Won’t Believe Ever Existed (it was on Buzzfeed. I think they like lists on Buzzfeed). Without sounding like some deathly-dull know-it-all retro bore, as someone both British and old enough to remember a time when a) Blockbusters and Bullseye were on TV and b) […]
The Serpent’s Curse
I’m a bit behind with FFG stuff at the moment after my holiday (lovely, thank you) but new content is on its way soon. In the meantime, I’ve been playing a bit of Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse on my Android tablet. I’ve only finished the first part, but if they’re going to break […]
Shoot opponents for score
This month’s Retro Gamer had a piece on the old arcade game RoadBlasters, and its many home ports, and since it always was a bit of an old favourite of mine, I was inspired to give it another go. But first, I was moved to revisit another, similar, title, also mentioned in passing in the […]
Gran(d) Bore-ismo
While up staying with Jo (currently trying to do a few things before she turns a certain age) recently I had the rare opportunity to access the full suite of last-gen consoles – the “Ex-Box”, the “Pee-Ess 3” and the “Wee”. Left to my own devices for an hour or so, I decided to give […]
8-bit memories: Footballer of the Year
It’s funny when a game from yesteryear pops into your head for seemingly no reason. Well, I say no reason, but actually there was one: I was reading about a game called New Star Soccer, the point of which is to guide a single player from his humble roots as a 16 year-old trainee to […]
It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this!
So I went and bought a Wii. Actually, I had to buy a TV to go with it too. First game purchased after such an extravagance: See, I’m a Nintendo fan who’s never actually owned a Nintendo. Or a console of any sort.* Just played on emulators a lot, from NES through to N64. But […]
Do not underestimate the Power of Playstation
I recently bought myself a second-hand PSP. Now, given that I already own a DS, it may seem like a slightly strange decision, especially as I like my DS, which has kept me thoroughly entertained on my journeys to and from work over the past four years or so (despite me having no previous predilection […]
deploy plasmatrons!
Stumbled across this completely by accident: Ascendancy for iOS Originally an MS-DOS title from 1995, Ascendancy is a space-based 4X strategy game – the sort where you colonise worlds, build up an infrastructure, build a stack of warships and go conquering other civilisations. It’s actually somewhat flawed, for one thing the AI is lamentably dumb […]